

A Capacity View of Ignorance
Synthese (forthcoming)

Ignorance and Autonomous Belief (w/ J. Adam Carter)
Australasian Journal of Philosophy (forthcoming)

Nudging for Judging that p (w/ Matthew Vermaire)

The Philosophical Quarterly (forthcoming)

Can A.I. Believe? (w/ J. Adam Carter)

Philosophy and Technology (2024)

Lucky Ignorance, Modality and Lack of Knowledge
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2021) 102: 468–490.

Can Hinge Epistemology Close the Door on Epistemic Relativism?
Synthese (2021) 199: 4645–4671.


In Progress

A few papers on ignorance: its analysis, its normativity, and its metaphysical nature as an absence;
the puzzle that social constructionism poses to our understanding of white ignorance;
and what it means to act from ignorance.

A paper (w/ Sebastian Schmidt) on hinge epistemology and suspension of judgment, where we
address the gap in hinge epistemology concerning the justification for suspending judgment.

A paper proposing a version of the modal account of luck that avoids problems that existing 
modal views of luck face and come from Lackey’s Buried Treasure cases.

A paper on the moral luck problem: I argue, from within the so-called modal account of luck,
that in order to solve the moral luck problem paradox we should accept the phenomenon 
of moral luck. This, in turn, doesn’t make moral responsibility evaluations unfair or inappropriate.